
A programme of preventative activities is a set of measures aimed at forestalling the occurrence and development of dental diseases.

A systematic approach allows you to monitor the condition of your teeth and gums during the entire period of interaction with the “Dental Club”.

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We will routinely notify patients about the need to perform a professional examination and advise what course of preventative action may be required. A special programme can be tailored for individual needs, thus minimising any disruption.

Regular prophylaxis according to the” Dental Club” © system reduces the risk of decay and gum diseases several times. We recommend that you undergo a professional examination at least twice a year.

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Stages of the “Dental Club” © System:

  1. Assessment of the condition of the oral cavity, according to the degree of biofilm staining.
  2. Prophyflex (KaVo) - elimination of biofilm and pigmentation.
  3. Tartar removal with Sonyflex scaler (KaVo).
  4. Polishing with Proxyt fluorinated paste (Ivoclar).
  5. Coating of tooth enamel with Fluor Protector (Ivoclar) to strengthen the enamel.
  6. Individual training on proper oral care at home.

If necessary, after these stages, we treat the gums with the Vector device (Dürr Dental).

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Cost of the Service
Professional teeth cleaning  38 000 KZT
Gum treatment with Vector  60 000 KZT
Plasmolifting (1 tube) 55 000 KZT
Does enamel wear off when brushing your teeth?

The professional use of high-quality preparations for removing tartar and biofilm eliminates damage to tooth enamel. In cases of existing tooth defects and damage, we use special dental powders. At a children's appointment, we use ProphyPearls (KaVo) gentle tooth cleaning powder.

Will it hurt me?

To eliminate pain, we can offer you anaesthesia with anaesthesia. Our staff will support and guide you throughout your appointment. We care about the comfort of our patients.

How do I know if I have tartar or bacterial film?

Tartar can be detected without the use of special means, overall it differs from teeth in colour. The bacterial tartar film is absolutely transparent, so the use of applied special dyes, makes it clearly distinguishable and visible. After its indication, we can easily remove plaque on the teeth and any associated mucous membrane.

Is it possible to remove tartar at home on your own?

Unfortunately, tartar is often located in hard-to-reach places, from where it cannot be removed without the help of special tools. Moreover, unless trained, you can damage the enamel or gums.

Can I use toothpicks?

We strongly advise against using toothpicks to remove food debris in the interdental spaces. As a rule, food stuck in the teeth is one of the symptoms of tooth decay. To remove foreign elements between the teeth, we recommend using dental floss.